[john-users] ssh2john.c:51:11: error: storage size of ‘pk’ isn’t known
Mathias Bögel
2018-04-24 13:19:20 UTC
Here is the code i get after trying to install the humbo version of JtR 1.8.0

I first had to manually install openssl and libz for the ./configure to work

ssh2john.c: In function ‘process_file’:
ssh2john.c:51:11: error: storage size of ‘pk’ isn’t known
ssh2john.c:51:11: warning: unused variable ‘pk’ [-Wunused-variable]
Makefile:520 : la recette pour la cible « ssh2john.o » a échouée
make[1]: *** [ssh2john.o] Erreur 1
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/mathias/Documents/john-1.8.0-jumbo-1/src »
Makefile:185 : la recette pour la cible « default » a échouée
make: *** [default] Erreur 2

Solar Designer
2018-04-24 14:03:27 UTC
Post by Mathias Bögel
Here is the code i get after trying to install the humbo version of JtR 1.8.0
I first had to manually install openssl and libz for the ./configure to work
ssh2john.c:51:11: error: storage size of ?pk? isn?t known
ssh2john.c:51:11: warning: unused variable ?pk? [-Wunused-variable]
Makefile:520 : la recette pour la cible ? ssh2john.o ? a ?chou?e
make[1]: *** [ssh2john.o] Erreur 1
make[1] : on quitte le r?pertoire ? /home/mathias/Documents/john-1.8.0-jumbo-1/src ?
Makefile:185 : la recette pour la cible ? default ? a ?chou?e
make: *** [default] Erreur 2
Please upgrade from the old 1.8.0-jumbo-1 to bleeding-jumbo and try
again. We are not currently interested in nor help with build failures
of 1.8.0-jumbo-1.

bleeding-jumbo is currently available via links on the line "Latest
development source code in GitHub repository (tar.gz, ZIP)" on JtR
homepage. And yes, we ought to make another numbered release soon.

