[john-users] Windows setup
Powen Cheng
2018-12-05 13:19:20 UTC

Can someone please let me know if tezos-opencl is supported in windows
build. I see there is a windows binary release for john. I haven't been
able to test as I am still reading all I can before I dive into more than I
could understand. I am bit of distress because opencl was removed in AMD
and it made it harder to get the drivers to work on Ubuntu 14.04.1 with the
new AM4 hardware as I needed better core counts and threads to maximum
john. I can always use Nvidia but I am failing at that with OpenCL
CL_INVALID_DEVICE (-33) error and I will try the fix suggested tonight.

If anyone have any experience or had done this on windows setup. Please
advise and thank you for your time and help.

Solar Designer
2018-12-05 14:22:55 UTC
Post by Powen Cheng
Can someone please let me know if tezos-opencl is supported in windows
build. I see there is a windows binary release for john.
tezos-opencl should work on Windows, but since tezos-opencl is a fairly
recent addition you need a Windows build that is more recent than that,
and one that includes OpenCL support. Claudio's builds mentioned in
here and now linked from the wiki do include OpenCL, but I didn't keep
track whether they got tezos-opencl already (probably yes) or not yet.
You can also install Cygwin and build from source.

That said, I don't recommend voluntarily switching from Linux to Windows
for this. I don't understand why you think you're stuck with an older
Linux distro otherwise. Probably you can simply install a current Linux
distro version.

