[john-users] John 1.8.0 for Android and general ARM devices
2017-11-08 21:13:45 UTC
Hi, I added John 1.8.0 on the ANDRAX, a Pentest mobile distribution.

The binaries are statically cross-compiled for ARM, I tried to use NDK
but john got extremely "slow", compiling statically the result is very

I used a Raspberry Pi 3 to compile.

Examples with screenshots:
(the documentation is under construction sorry for the translation)

If you want the binaries without installing ANDRAX, download with this
link in github: https://github.com/weidsom/JohnTheRipper

I hope you can enjoy.
Solar Designer
2017-11-09 19:19:40 UTC
Post by w***@thecrackertechnology.com
Hi, I added John 1.8.0 on the ANDRAX, a Pentest mobile distribution.
The binaries are statically cross-compiled for ARM, I tried to use NDK
but john got extremely "slow", compiling statically the result is very
I used a Raspberry Pi 3 to compile.
(the documentation is under construction sorry for the translation)
If you want the binaries without installing ANDRAX, download with this
link in github: https://github.com/weidsom/JohnTheRipper
I hope you can enjoy.
Cool. You might want to rebuild with OpenMP support (uncomment the
"OMPFLAGS = -fopenmp" line in Makefile). That should be easy. For much
greater functionality, you could build bleeding-jumbo off GitHub, which
might or might not be easy (please report any issues).

Unfortunately, I only added NEON support shortly after the 1.8 release,
so it's not in there yet. But you'll gain it if you use bleeding-jumbo.

