[john-users] Password from salted Hash, Make a $500 before christmas
Thomas Meyers
2017-12-16 00:35:49 UTC
Hello all,
I need to get a password out of a salted hash. I think I know the first 7 letters and I think its only 10 letters long.

Heres the deal and please don’t try to hack me. This email address and this computer has nothing to do with this project. I bought some B2BX tokens during an ICO. When I bought them I was prompted to enter a password which I did. I was then given a json file, which I have. Now the ICO is complete and the tokens have been added to a (www.myetherwallet.com) If you follow that link, at the top of the page you will see “send either and token” press that. Those are the options to open the wallet. The only option I can use is “Keystore Json File” problem is I don’t have that password.

Problem 2, I can’t send you the son file because its the keys to the castle.

Thing that don’t work;

yes, I can pull the private key out of json file but if I use it to log into my ether i can’t get the tokens to load.

Is it possible to give a hacker just the salted hash out of the json and let them try to extract it?

anything help I would appreciate..
Dhiru Kholia
2017-12-17 14:34:20 UTC
Post by Thomas Meyers
I need to get a password out of a salted hash. I think I know the
first 7 letters and I think it is only 10 letters long.
I bought some B2BX tokens during an ICO. When I bought them I was
prompted to enter a password, which I did. I was then given a JSON
file, which I have. Now the ICO is complete and the tokens have been
added to a (www.myetherwallet.com). If you follow that link, at the top
of the page you will see "Send Ether & Tokens", press that. Those are
the options to open the wallet. The only option I can use is
"Keystore / JSON File". The problem is I don't have that password.

Just to recap, once I visit https://www.myetherwallet.com/#send-transaction,
I see an option "Keystore / JSON File" for the "How would you like to
access your wallet?" question.

Clicking on this option allows me to upload my MyEtherWallet format
wallet, and I am prompted for a password with a "Your wallet is
encrypted. Good! Please enter the password." message.

My test wallet's name is "UTC--2017-12-3229e9dd6205edb1638fec28843d",
and its contents are,


"version": 3,
"id": "XXXaa9-7afc-41aa-be8f-0a803fdca0e9",
"address": "XXX3043a7d3229...",
"Crypto": {
"ciphertext": "XXX5ba65dec4d32...",
"cipherparams": {
"iv": "7XXX21a3246f59bb722ab5acd54"
"cipher": "aes-128-ctr",
"kdf": "scrypt",
"kdfparams": {
"dklen": 32,
"salt": "XXXab9e48297c413e10..",
"n": 1024,
"r": 8,
"p": 1
"mac": "XXX102ae63"


Does your JSON wallet file have similar contents in it? Are you able to
make sure that your JSON file is a MyEtherWallet format wallet file?

If yes, you can use ethereum2john.py to extract a "hash" out of this
JSON wallet file. Then you can john for cracking the extracted hash.

$ ../run/john --test --format=ethereum # i7-6600U
Will run 4 OpenMP threads
Benchmarking: ethereum, Ethereum Wallet [PBKDF2-SHA256/scrypt... AVX2]
Speed for cost 1 (iteration count) of 1024
Raw: 1587 c/s real, 432 c/s virtual

If not, how does your JSON wallet file look like? Posting the structure
of the JSON wallet file without including any of its contents is safe.
Post by Thomas Meyers
Is it possible to give a hacker just the salted hash out of the JSON
and let them try to extract it?
Please do *not* share your extracted hash with anyone you don't trust.