[john-users] Hex-encoding of words
Albert Veli
2017-10-13 18:24:02 UTC
Hi Magnum et al.

During the recent passwordctf I used john in parallell with hashcat and
noticed that hashcat encodes some words using hex format.

Pasted from IRC:

20:04 < trebla> btw, there are some passwords that I found with hashcat
that can't be sent as ascii or utf-8, for instance:
20:04 < trebla> a7b12496acf916b593bda55d3b7562dcc7c9c337:$HEX[7300733932]
20:04 < trebla> aa6122c3e8239538db9beff5fd4ca1e4e77045d9:$HEX[3434003536]
20:04 < trebla> e15310184d6a28e3c043a462c06d61e2e2a28b98:$HEX[2d002d3933]

What is your opinion on supporting this hex-syntax for john? It would make
interoperability between john and hashcat easier.

The obvious corner case to look out for is if the password actually begins
with the ascii string '$HEX[' :-)

In that case john has to make sure it is always encoded using hex format,
for instance like this:


The password in this case would be:

echo '244845585b6a6f686e5d' | xxd -r -ps



2017-10-14 00:28:50 UTC
Post by Albert Veli
During the recent passwordctf I used john in parallell with hashcat and
noticed that hashcat encodes some words using hex format.
20:04 < trebla> btw, there are some passwords that I found with hashcat
20:04 < trebla> a7b12496acf916b593bda55d3b7562dcc7c9c337:$HEX[7300733932]
20:04 < trebla> aa6122c3e8239538db9beff5fd4ca1e4e77045d9:$HEX[3434003536]
20:04 < trebla> e15310184d6a28e3c043a462c06d61e2e2a28b98:$HEX[2d002d3933]
What is your opinion on supporting this hex-syntax for john? It would make
interoperability between john and hashcat easier.
Yup, we already have it as
Post by Albert Veli
The obvious corner case to look out for is if the password actually begins
with the ascii string '$HEX[' :-)
Right, we have discussed that in #2354.
Post by Albert Veli
In that case john has to make sure it is always encoded using hex format,
echo '244845585b6a6f686e5d' | xxd -r -ps
I think there are more caveats than that, but we should still add this
feature. The main problem is the only active developers right now are me
and Dhiru, and Dhiru isn't very fond of touching core code. So it's just
me, and I have my hands full with other stuff.

BTW another problem is our current core code wouldn't allow eg. nulls in
passwords regardless of this feature. I think hashcat does. OTOH I don't
see much gain in fixing that. It would be fairly trivial but a massive
edit (changing 500 files or so).

